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A greater sum.
Of the parts.

Organisational Diagnostics & Development

The organisation as a network of relationships between dynamic systems. Structures and changes meet relationships and behaviours. Management diagnostics at the organisational level as a way of making visible cultural conditions, patterns of thinking and feeling, along with development needs in the organisation. So that the potential of all parts can be fully realised. For a greater sum, for sustainable change and development. In accordance with the DIN 33430 quality standard, with psychological expertise and a clear view of the future.

Management Audit

Strong leadership decisions.

Mergers, succession planning, strategic reorientation. How can leadership be optimally designed for this? A management audit is the first step towards a sustainable solution. Based on previously identified competencies and with a focus on the strategic success of the organisation. Our key advantage is the transparent and participative of our diagnostics process, which provides you with an objective view of the individual and collective performance potential of the (top) management team. ifp diagnostics as targeted support for big steps.

Practical example

Support for leadership decisions.

Comprehensive management audit in the merger process.

Atruvia AG is the information technology service provider within a cooperative financial group currently employing some 7,100 people. In the context of the merger of two previously independent companies, it became clear that the success of the merger depended to a large extent on the selection of suitable managers.

To make the process as transparent and fair as possible, ifp was asked to assess over 450 potential managers in terms of their suitability for the advertised positions. As part of the project, which took place at various locations within an ambitious timetable, we first mapped the corporate and leadership cultures of both companies. This enabled us to identify opportunities as well as potential resistance and obstacles within the merger process. The future professional and interdisciplinary requirements of the job holders, as well as the company-wide management mission statement, formed the basis for the personnel and development process. From this, we derived individually tailored process modules. This ensured a high degree of accuracy for each target group and guaranteed the accuracy of the statements as well as the acceptance of the process.

Our management audit served as the basis for appointment decisions and was a starting point for designing personal development plans as well as a company-wide management qualification programme. Thanks to very intensive preparation, the support of all the managers and co-determination bodies, and the close collaboration between all parties involved, every step in the management selection process was completed on time. By the time the new organisation was officially launched, more than 90 percent of the management positions had been filled.

An ifp plus for all.

Development of competence models

Shaping resilience.

Sustainable recruitment, personnel development and performance assessment through competency models: These reflect current requirements as well as skills and corporate values that will be needed in the future. A company-specific model is one that a company’s managers and employees – in Germany and internationally – can identify with and are willing to be measured against. Drawing on our extensive practical experience, we will work with you to develop a tailor-made tool for securing your future.

Practical example

Ensuring resilience.

Developing a competence model based on corporate and brand values.

NetCologne is a regional telecommunications service provider, cable network operator and internet service provider with its own telecommunications network for private and business customers. With the aim of dovetailing HR processes even more closely with the company’s culture and mission statement, and at the same time creating an objective and defined basis for employee selection and development processes, ifp was commissioned to develop a competency model.

During a direct exchange with specialists and managers, we were able to get a feel for the lived culture and values of the company. In a workshop with relevant company representatives from HR and Marketing, we reviewed a standardised competency model as a starting point for its content-related and language fit with the company, identified deviations and compiled additional content. Managers and experts from the company, including a representative from employee representation, were then interviewed onsite to ensure the comprehensibility and applicability of the competency model, and to provide a final quality check.
This project was followed by other projects, such as the development of a competency-based interview guide.

An ifp plus for all.

Leadership culture development

Anchoring the spirit of success for the long term.

Change processes are successful when you manage to get the people on board. Unlike strategy consulting, which develops and implements new organisational structures, we focus on supporting people through change and on the cultural aspects of the organisation. With the goal of turning those affected by change into participants. Our plus for your company is found in our many years of experience in analysing (management) cultures – and in jointly developing concrete measures for necessary changes.