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Unleashing potential.

Leadership Diagnostics & Development

Management diagnostics aims to make visible the strengths, potential and development areas of leaders. This is done through interviews, task-solving and role-playing. Tests can also contribute to creating a clear picture. However, the decisive factor is always personal collaboration. Shoulder to shoulder, in an atmosphere of trust. So that the basis for your decision is objective, robust and appropriate to its far-reaching consequences.

Executive assessment

Which manager is the best fit?

An objective and well-founded assessment of expertise in line with your requirements is an invaluable asset for your company. Particularly in the case of top executives, the match between the personality and values on the one hand and the cultural aspects of the company on the other is often crucial. So that your recruitment decisions have the best possible impact on your people, your business and your future, both economically and in terms of motivation.

Executive Assessment

Leadership assessment

A steady hand at the helm.

Having the right people in key positions is critical to stability and sustainable business success. Management challenges are becoming more complex and the battle for talent is intensifying. This makes it all the more important to identify, retain and develop talent. We make this possible with our experience in management diagnostics and scientifically based methods as well as job-specific requirements analyses. For professional, transparent assessments and differentiated staffing recommendations. A plus for your talent and success strategy.

Location determination

The right person in the right place.

Identify strengths and areas for development – thanks to a multi-method location assessment. Precisely tailored to the requirements of specific roles. Invaluable for the participants. A signpost to the future and to development – of both the individual and the company. Our assessments are the starting point for internal development. With the plus of being able to use potential where it’s needed.

Potential analysis

The driving forces.

Personalities with potential are the basis for business success. From specialists to managers. Our potential analyses provide a solid foundation for both career starters and experienced professionals. The analyses are anchored on role-specific requirements. Based on the results, we make clear recommendations and derive targeted measures for internal personnel development. Participants have the opportunity to take charge of their own development. As a motivational plus for loyalty to your company.

Practical examples

HumanIntelligence applied virtually.

Potential analysis for first and second level managers.

When we were asked to conduct an audit of 45 first- and second-level managers during the pandemic, the question was this: how can participants, management and board members equally benefit from digital opportunities and professional diagnostics?

We conducted a needs-based online assessment with the executives, including personality tests and skills interviews, as well as strategic presentations and leadership simulations. At the end of the process, each participant received initial feedback in a face-to-face meeting, followed by a detailed report with development recommendations and questions for reflection. Each week we gave a short verbal status report to our client. At the end of the audit, we presented the board with a potential matrix and development recommendations for each individual. In addition to the individual level, it also provided an opportunity to reflect on the leadership culture at the organisational level.

An ifp plus for all.

Virtual diagnostics.

Checks for potential as an integral part of the application process.

parcIT, a subsidiary of Atruvia AG, is one of the leading providers of software and methodological services for bank management, risk management and rating procedures in Germany. ifp has been supporting the company for many years as a reliable partner in the recruitment process. After all, the right fit for the corporate culture plays a major role in ensuring that positions can be filled for the long term and with a high degree of confidence for all concerned.

We conduct two-hour checks for potential, in person or virtually, to determine the personal and cultural fit between the individual and the company. This gives us an initial insight into key strengths and areas for development, as well as points of contact for subsequent, targeted personnel development.

Since the beginning of 2018, ifp has carried out more than 360 checks for potential on behalf of parcIT, increasingly in the virtual space, with the same high diagnostic quality. With the insights gained, we can now provide an important component for the decision-making and recruitment process.

An ifp plus for all.

Rising stars.

Development-oriented diagnostics for top talent.

The Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR) is a public media company with more than 4,400 employees. To achieve greater transparency regarding high potentials for the top management levels and to enable a targeted promotion of this talent, ifp designed a development procedure together with the WDR human resources department.

The result was a half-day personalised assessment for ten employees consider to be high potentials. The process revealed strengths and possible development areas which were subsequently discussed in personal feedback discussions about future perspectives.

With ifp’s support, additional formats, such as peer consulting, were developed to strengthen exchange between high potentials, support the formation of networks and help to ensure that a wide range of topics can be addressed in a confidential atmosphere.

“Our project was carried out by ifp in a very professional manner and very much in line with our wishes and requirements. We’re extremely satisfied with the results of the process and have also observed a high level of acceptance on the part of the participants. We already consider the project a great success.”
– Kurt Schumacher, Human Resources Manager

An ifp plus for all.

360° feedback

Self-perception and perception by others.

360° feedback provides a comprehensive picture of how managers are perceived within the company and in their working relationships. In addition to the self-assessment, we include the voices of selected peers, supervisors and employees in the assessment. This all-round view gives managers the opportunity to compare how they perceive themselves with how they are perceived by others and to reflect on themselves. As a valuable investment. We support you – in Germany and internationally – in the design and implementation of 360° feedback based on your company-specific competency model or a proven ifp standard questionnaire. We’re also happy to present the aggregated results to the management – so that the plus becomes tangible for everyone.

Practical Example

External perception and self-perception are rarely the same.

360° feedback can bridge this gap for the benefit of leadership.

How do we respond to challenging times? Do our own perceptions match those of the people around us, be they customers or colleagues?
With 360° feedback, an instrument of human resource development, we compare anonymous feedback from various communication partners with subjective self-assessment via a questionnaire. Based on our experience with management diagnostics, we’ve derived a standard set of skills that are assessed through a series of questions. An integral part of this product is an online user-friendly 360° platform, developed in collaboration with a Cologne-based company specialising in the technical implementation of 360° feedback.

Divergences can be addressed by ifp, as a neutral third party, with a proven best-practice process. Through personal contact, we can encourage self-reflection in addition to feedback skills so as to identify strengths and development potential in various areas. The 360° feedback concludes with two to three key development areas in the form of specific recommendations for next steps.

This approach protects the sense of community in your organisation and shows respect for all feedback providers. Opinions are included and valued. It demonstrates an open and transparent feedback culture in the organisation.

An ifp plus for all.



Where are the blind spots?

Executive coaching provides valuable support. Whether you’re preparing for a new role, managing change, advancing your career or developing your personal potential. It’s particularly effective in bringing about lasting changes in behaviour and attitudes. In a confidential environment, ifp coaches work with managers, senior and middle managers, individually or in groups, in person or online. Always solution-focused and goal-oriented, in regular one-on-one sessions – and always shoulder to shoulder.

Leadership training

Authenticity in leadership.

Training content consistently tailored to the needs of your organisation. Designed with real-world experience. Online or in person. We integrate tools that fit your leadership culture and initial situation.

The basic level is about understanding and acquiring practical leadership tools for dealing with one’s own personality and for authenticity in leadership. The advanced level then focuses on situational leadership, tailored to the individual employee. Enabling flexibility and providing guidance. Based on a wide range of training design options. We use blended learning and interactive methods and provide plenty of opportunities for practice and reflection. Tailored to the specific needs of your people development, with various focus modules, selected to suit your organisation.