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Trade means change. Stationary. Online. Mobile.


Omnichannel. Everywhere commerce. Supply chains. Accessibility. Infrastructure. Mixed use. Direct-to-customer. 15-minute city. Customer centricity. Consumer mood. Point of experience.

“I was born into the world of trade, into an entrepreneurial family that’s been active in trade for generations. It almost feels like my destiny is connected to the current developments. Today’s retail changes are all about making the impossible possible – for our customers!”

— Dr. Magnus Tessner

Stationary trade versus e-commerce? The future lies in the best of both worlds: an omnichannel approach. The goal is to create a seamless shopping experience, both locally and online, and across all channels – with the goal of making anything obtainable at any time, and more and more often, combined with personalised ideas about a product. This goes together with significant changes in internal processes and logistics and of course in supply chains, too, which are becoming ever faster, more detailed, and demanding. What’s more, there’s amazing potential in direct interaction. Linked with big data analytics and artificial intelligence and quantum computing, the future holds incredible opportunities for shaping the customer journey.

Die Brücke vom „Point of Sale“ zum „Point of Experience“ zu schlagen, ist eine der anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben. Schnelligkeit, Gestaltungskraft, Anpassungsfähigkeit sowie ein versierter Umgang mit der Komplexität der sich transformierenden Handelswelt kennzeichnen die erfolgreichen Top-Manager der Branche.

Wir beraten nationale und internationale Handelsunternehmen im Top-Management. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf Funktionen mit Gestaltungskraft. Ob im E-Commerce und Finanzwesen, im Einkaufs- oder Vertriebsbereich. In 18 Ländern besetzten wir C-Level-Positionen für Handelsunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt Europa.

Woran erkennt man einen guten CEO? Dr. Magnus Tessner verrät es im Podcast mit Ch. Keese.

Dr. Magnus Tessner auf dem CHRO Summit 2022 in Istanbul.


Dr. Magnus Tessner

Partner Degree in Business Administration
After years of working in the automotive industry, Magnus Tessner became Managing Director of a retail enterprise with over 2,500 employees. In 2001, he joined ifp and established the Automotive & Retail Team. He has since successfully managed over 500 assignments and significantly contributed to the development of ifp\\\'s international consulting activities. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-73


Janine Goutard

Consultant Psychology (M. Sc.)
Janine Goutard developed a passion for aptitude diagnostics during her psychology studies and has been working as an HR consultant since 2024. Thanks to her experience in generalist HR in a corporate organisation, she understands the needs of clients first-hand and takes them into account in a targeted manner. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-191

Meike Hensch

Consultant Psychologist (M.Sc.)
Meike Hensch has strengthened our Automotive and Trade team since completing her studies. With her positive and professional manner as well as her distinctive intuition, she is a sought-after contact person for both our clients and candidates. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-170

Elisabeth Schmidt

Senior Consultant Degree in Business Psychology (M.Sc.)
Elisabeth Schmidt holds a degree in business psychology and has worked as a consultant since 2021. A former competitive athlete, she knows all about speed, precision and a strong drive for success, all of which she brings directly to our demanding mandates. When working with clients and customers, she doesn’t beat about the bush – she takes a nuanced view of the situation and is a highly engaging conversation partner. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-74