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A passion for healthy growth.

Medical technology and products

Germany has a long tradition of actively promoting progress in medicine and patient care. Close to the needs of patients, it has repeatedly succeeded in anticipating future developments and responding with innovation to the accelerated pulse of the times. This progress is due solely to the extraordinary entrepreneurial adaptability that characterises this industry, which is strongly characterised by small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Topics we know inside out: smart technologies, telemedicine, energy supply, e-health applications, local sourcing, labour costs, miniaturisation, skills shortage, Medical Device Regulation (MDR), Industry 4.0.

“The well-being of patients is the compass leading the actors in this industry. Finding people with the right mindset is only possible when it’s based on shared values. And yes, I fully share these values – it’s simply who I am.”

— Dr. Marc Stapp

Between AI and empathy:
an industry on the move.

Demographic change poses particular challenges for the healthcare industry. Innovative medical technology solutions and products can contribute in important ways to meeting the increased demand for high-quality medical care in ageing societies.

Immediate challenges, such as the supply chain and national healthcare systems, go hand in hand with the European Medical Device Directive (MDD), which requires all products to be re-approved. Opportunities lie in increased digitalisation: smart medical devices and e-health applications. At the managerial level, we need people who can act with foresight in a market with restrictive framework conditions, while always keeping the well-being of patients in mind.


Dr. Marc Stapp

Partner Degree and Doctorate in Psychology
After his studies and subsequent doctorate in occupational and health safety, Marc Stapp joined ifp in 1999. He began working as a consultant for medium-sized industrial companies and clients in the automotive sector. He has carried responsibility for our Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Medical Technology Team since 2006. Together with his team, he fills top management positions across all functions for both medium-sized and corporate organisations. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-145


Julia Dorow

Team Lead Degree in Psychology
For more than 15 years, Julia Dorow has built up in-depth expertise and an excellent network in her industry sectors. With her wide range of interests, she loves to explore new business areas, organisational cultures, and disciplines. Moreover, her corporate experience in the chemical industry is always helpful. She approaches project management with flexibility and a holistic view and is an excellent listener and critical thinker who wants to understand things down to the last detail – which serves her well when it comes to aptitude diagnostics for demanding management positions. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-64

Teresa Zwick-Pohl

Consultant Psychology (M.Sc.)
Teresa Zwick-Pohl enthusiastically delves into the demanding specialist areas of our customers in order to develop innovative search strategies on this basis and thus fill open positions precisely. Thanks to her knowledge in the areas of topic-centered interaction and systemic consulting, she manages to keep the needs of both customers and candidates in focus throughout the entire process and to complete it successfully for everyone involved. +49 (0) 221 / 20 50 6-125