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For informed decisions and sustainable success.

The three pillars of our diagnostic services: Diagnostik

Management Diagnostics aims to visualise the strengths, potential and development areas of managers. In discussions, when solving tasks and through role playing. Tests can also contribute to a clear picture. The decisive factor, however, is always personal collaboration. At eye level, in an atmosphere of trust. So that the decision you come to is objective, reliable and appropriate to the scope of its ramifications.


Five hours for the future of your company.

With EXPact, we have developed a sophisticated, modern diagnostic tool tailored to executive-level managers that provides you with efficient and valid support in the selection and development of executive personalities. The 5-hour competency set consists of several interactive situational case studies, reflection sequences and subsequent development-orientated feedback:

  • Clear focus on the challenges of the executive level
  • Gripping set of future-relevant competences
  • Challenging tasks in a cross-industry setting
  • Use of scientifically based instruments to analyse personality
  • Feedback with coaching elements

Executive assessment

Which manager is the right one?

The objective and well-founded assessment of expertise to match your requirements is an invaluable added value for your company. For top executives in particular, the match between personality and the values and culture of the company is often decisive. This ensures that recruitment decisions give rise to the best economic and cultural results for your employees, your company and your future.

Leadership assessment

Discover, develop and retain talent.

Having the right people in key positions is critical to stability and sustainable business success. Management challenges are becoming more complex and the “battle for talent” is intensifying – making it all the more important to identify, retain and develop talent. We make this possible with our experience in management diagnostics as well as scientifically based methods and job-specific requirements analyses. For professional, transparent assessments and differentiated recruitment recommendations. A true advantage for your talent and success strategy.

Position assessment

The right person in the right place.

We use a variety of methods and processes to identify strengths and areas for development – all tailored to the needs of the role. And this is invaluable for all involved. The results can be used as a guide for the future development of both the individual and the organisation, and serve as the starting point for internal development – with the invaluable advantage that potential can be put to use where it’s actually needed.

Potential analysis

Identifying the driving forces.

A company’s success is based on personalities with potential – from specialists to managers. Our potential analyses follow role-specific requirements and provide a stable foundation for both newcomers and experienced professionals. We use these results to make clear recommendations and derive targeted measures for internal personnel development. This provides participants with the opportunity to take responsibility for their own development – a motivating plus for their loyalty to your company.

Practical examples

An online audit of the current situation.

Potential analysis for the first and second management level.

When we were asked to conduct an audit of 45 first- and second-level managers during the pandemic, the question was this: how can both the participants and the management and board members benefit equally from digital opportunities and professional diagnostics?

We conducted a customised online assessment with the managers, which included personality tests and skills interviews, as well as strategic presentations and leadership simulations. At the end of the process, each participant received initial one-one-one feedback, followed by a detailed report with development recommendations and reflection questions. Each week we provided our client with a brief oral status report. At the end of the audit, we presented the board with a potential matrix along with development recommendations for each individual. In addition to the individual level, we were also able to make statements about the leadership culture at the organisational level.

Online or in-person support for application processes.

Potential checking as an integral part of the decision-making process.

parcIT, a subsidiary of Atruvia AG, is one of Germany’s leading providers of software and methodological services for bank management, risk management and rating procedures. ifp has supported the company for many years as a reliable partner in their application process.

In two-hour potential analyses – in person or online – we determine how the personal and cultural characteristics of the individual and the company fit together. This provides us with an initial overview of key strengths and areas for development, as well as starting points for subsequent, targeted personnel development. The alignment of personal values and corporate culture plays a particularly important role in ensuring that jobs can be filled sustainably and with a high degree of security for all involved.

Since the beginning of 2018, ifp has conducted more than 360 potential analyses on behalf of parcIT, increasingly online, too – while maintaining the same high diagnostic quality. The insights we gain contribute regularly to decisions on personnel issues.

Rising Stars.

Developmental diagnostics for top talents.

Westdeutscher Rundfunk is a public media organisation with more than 4,400 employees. To achieve greater transparency about the potential of the top management levels and to enable targeted promotion of these talents, ifp designed a development process together with the HR department.

The result was a half-day individual assessment for ten top talents. The process revealed strengths and potential areas for development, which were then discussed in a personal interview.

With ifp’s support, further formats – such as peer counselling – were developed to strengthen the exchange among top talents, to support the formation of networks and to ensure that a wide range of topics can be addressed in a confidential atmosphere.

Our project was organised by ifp in a highly professional manner and tailored precisely to our needs and requirements. We’re highly satisfied with the results of the process and have seen a significant level of acceptance among the participants, too. As far as we’re concerned, the project has already succeeded.
– Kurt Schumacher, Head of Human Resources

360° feedback

Self-perception and external perception.

360° feedback provides a comprehensive picture of how managers are perceived within the company and how they collaborate. In addition to the self-assessment, we include the opinions of selected peers, superiors and employees in the assessment. This comprehensive view gives managers the opportunity to compare their own and others’ perceptions and to reflect on themselves. We support you – in Germany and around the world – in the design and implementation of 360° feedback based on your company-specific competency model or a proven ifp standard questionnaire. We’re also happy to present a summary of the results to your management team – so that everyone can experience the benefits.

Practical example

External perception vs. self-perception.

A comprehensive assessment of managers.

How do we respond to difficult times? Does our own perception match that of our environment, be it our customers or our company?

With the 360° feedback tool, we compare anonymous feedback from the perspective of various communication partners with subjective self-assessment using a questionnaire. Based on our experience in management diagnostics, we’ve created a standard set of competencies that are assessed through various questions. An integral part of this is a user-friendly 360° online platform which we developed together with a Cologne-based company that specialises in the technical implementation of 360° feedback.

In our role as a neutral third party, we’re able to respond to divergences with a proven best-practice process. In addition to feedback expertise, the personal contact also encourages self-reflection in order to identify strengths and development potential in various areas. The 360° feedback concludes with a recommendation of two to three key development areas for the next concrete steps.

With a view to the sense of community in your company, this method shows respect for all feedback providers; all opinions are included and valued. Ultimately, this tool is valuable for more than simply leadership development – it also demonstrates an open and transparent feedback culture in your organisation.


Where are the blind spots?

Whether you’re preparing for a new role, managing change, advancing your career or developing your personal potential, executive coaching can provide valuable support and help bring about lasting changes in your behaviour and attitudes. In a confidential setting, ifp coaches work with executives and senior or middle managers, one-on-one or in groups, in person or online – and always on equal footing.

Leadership training

Authenticity leads better.

Our training content is consistently tailored to the needs of your organisation and designed with extensive practical experience. We integrate tools that suit your leadership culture and starting point. The training can be delivered online or in person.

The basic level of training focuses on the understanding and practical acquisition of leadership tools for dealing with one’s own personality and for authenticity in leadership. The advanced level then focuses on situational leadership, tailored to the individual employee, to enable flexibility and provide direction. Our training design offers you a wide range of options. We work with blended learning, use interactive methods and offer a wide range of opportunities for practice and reflection – depending on your needs, with various focus modules put together specifically for you.